York, under the direction of the Hon. James Averill, as preceptor, and later he took the regular course of the Albany law school. He was admitted to the bar in Albany, N. Y., in the spring of 1856, shortly after which he returned to Champlain N. Y., and practiced there until October, 1857, when he came to Decorah, Iowa. Judge Willett originally intended to locate in Dubuque, but found so many lawyers at that point that he determined to seek a better location. He found it in Decorah, and accordingly brought out his family in November and immediately the law firm of Cooley & Willett was formed, E. E. Cooley being the senior partner, and these gentlemen were together two years. Mr. Willett then took a partner, M. V. Burdick, later judge of the circuit court, the firm being Willett & Burdick. This partnership continued until the breaking out of the war in 1861. Judge Willett was one of the first to respond to Lincoln’s call for men, and through his efforts a company was raised and he was made captain and sent to Des Moines to offer it as a part of the First regiment. On reaching there he found both the First and Second regiments with full quotas of men. He offered his men to the Third, and his action was ratified, and they were mustered in at Keokuk as company D. Third Iowa volunteer infantry. This was the first company raised in Winneshiek County and it first saw service in Missouri. Its first battle was at Blue Mills, September 17, 1861. Judge Willett was wounded in the left knee, and after some time in the hospital he rejoined the regiment at St. Louis. He soon found that his wound was a permanent one, and that he could not stand the marches; accordingly he resigned his commission in February, 1862. and returned home. During 1863-64 be served on the governor’s staff with the rank of lieutenant- colonel of cavalry, and did recruiting service at Decorah. On returning home Judge Willett resumed the practice


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